Identification |
Official Latin term | relatio associationis spatialis |
Official subsidiary term | spatial association relation |
Unit identifier | TAH:U10550 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | non physical entity |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | A spatial association relation is a structural anatomical relation [relatio anatomica structuralis] which describes the location, orientation or connectivity of physical anatomical entities. (Foundational Model of Anatomy) |
Partonomy |
TAH:U10550 | relatio associationis spatialis |
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:67115 | |
FMA:45723 | |
FMA:50627 | |
FMA:52548 | relatio associationis spatialis |
TAH10563 | |
TAH10564 | |
TAH10565 |
TAH10566 | |
TAH10567 |
Total |
5 children
Date: 26.03.2022 |